Was the Easter bunny a little too generous this year? Don't beat yourself up. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Here are some helpful tips to get you back on track this week after an indulgent weekend:
Hide the evidence
We know you've got left over Easter eggs you have stashed away somewhere or will linger around for possibly months... After today, it's time to get them out of sight (out of mind) so your not tempted throughout the week.
Trick the sugar addiction
Your body has a taste of sugar and is unlikely to give it up without a fight. Switch to cleaner treats this week that taste like the real thing. Cold pressed juices are a great way to get your natural sugars. We have a delicious range of Impressed Juices available. Our Power Balls are clean, healthy and delicious. Honestly, the Cocoa Brownie Power Balls taste like the real deal...
Eat well-balanced, regular meals
Think skipping meals will counteract all the chocolate you've eaten? Think again. Skipping meals is likely to make your cravings worse, making you reach for the nearest sugary thing you have.
Plan your week
Planning your meals is key to make sure. If a craving hits, ensure you have healthy and delicious meals ready to eat. Our meals are made by real chefs using locally sourced ingredients, meaning they are packed full of nutrition and taste delicious. View the menu.
Get moving!
Make sure your week is more active than usual. Get outside and go for a walk or a run. Please remember to practise safe social distancing if you are venturing outside.