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How is the food delivered?

Our meals are delivered chilled, via refrigerated transport.

Your meals will be packed into an insulated cardboard box with a cooling gel pack. This is then delivered via refrigerated transport to your door.

You'll receive a text upon delivery. Our drivers will endeavour to leave your order in a safe location out of direct sunlight where possible - please ensure to bring your order inside and put your meals in the fridge once delivered.

How much is shipping?

Our shipping fee is a flat rate of $15 for refrigerated delivery, ensuring your meals arrive fresh and safely chilled.

Does your food come frozen?

Nope - our food arrives to you freshly prepared by the kitchen. Your delivery will be sent to your door in a refrigerated truck, so it doesn’t need to be frozen – it’ll be ready for you to heat up as soon as you’re ready.

If you don’t plan on eating your meals by the use-by date, you can absolutely freeze them. When you're ready to eat, we advise reheating the meal from frozen instead of defrosting or thawing your meal out first. It'll take about 5-6 minutes in the microwave.

Missing delivery?

If there are missing items from your delivery, you must contact us on (03) 8669 0587 9am to 5pm (AEST/AEDT) within 24 hours of the delivery time and we will take steps to verify and confirm any such missing items. Please see our T&C's for further information.

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beneficial foods for skin

Skin Rejuvenators and Deteriorators

As a follow up to last week's article, where we looked at 10 beneficial foods for the skin, this week we're focusing on the rejuvenators and deteriorators for our skin. Read on to find out how  you can get that healthy glow, and make sure to tune in next week for the Clear Skin Meal Plan, which shows you how to put it all in to action.



The body contains approximately 70% water, but in order for the skin to look moist and wrinkle-free it needs to be well hydrated. Drinking water plays an important role by flushing out any toxins in the body via perspiration; toxins that may have a negative impact on the skin. To achieve this you need to drink at least eight glasses of water per day (more if you work out).
Green tea

Another way increasing your fluid intake is to drink green tea. Green tea with its high level of antioxidants called polyphenols has been shown to reduce skin damage caused by external environmental factors, and delay the aging of the skin.


Physical activity
Regular exercise is known to improve total body fitness and mood status. It can be seen to have the same impact on the skin. Exercise increases blood flow to the skin surface. This ultimately has two outcomes – elimination of toxins as well as transporting nutrients to skin cells. Both these processes create a healthy glow.
Less stressful lifestyle
Just as exercise improves the overall body’s health, stress is known to have the opposite effect. By better managing the stress in your life you will minimise stress related flareups of psoriasis and eczema skin conditions. Adequate sleep may also be important for healthy skin. Take time out for massages, aromatherapy and any activity that relaxes you.

Deteriorators or skin enemies

Alcohol ingestion is known to result in two major effects on the body (dehydration and vasodilation). The dehydration effects on the skin are well documented in that the skin appears visibly dry and with more fine lines and wrinkles. Alcohol also causes vasodilation where blood vessels become dilated. This results in increased redness of the skin and possibly even skin irritations.
Just one coffee you say. Even one strong cup can have a dramatic effect on your hydration status. Dehydration caused by caffeine consumption has such a large impact, particularly if that is the only form of fluid consumed throughout the day. Be careful with these new age energy drinks, many of which have 2-3 times as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Dehydration causes the skin to look dry, wrinkly and dull. If you love your coffee, don’t forget to have a water chaser.
Saturated fat and trans fatty acids
Saturated fats which are high in foods such as fatty meats, full cream dairy products and coconut, and trans fatty acids predominantly in hydrogenated oils increase the production of free radicals. This process accelerates the aging process. These fats found in many high fat take-away foods may also play a role in initiating inflammation of the skin, thus tempting puffy pores and aggressive pimples.

Nicotine present in cigarettes increases blood vessel constriction. This reduction in blood vessel diameter decreases the blood flow toward the skin surface. Without blood flow to the skins surface there is a reduction in oxygen and nutrient deposition to the skin cells, creating a dull and lifeless tone to the skin. It is also believed that cigarette smoking uses up the body’s supply of vitamin C, thus preventing collagen repair and construction.

Article written by Karen Inge, and first published on

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